
Hi! I’m Earl James, a frustrated writer born and raised in the Philippines.

I love two things: writing and watching movies. So I decided to combine these two and start writing about films.

First of all, again, I’m just another guy who happens to love films. I’m not in a film school. I just love films. I don’t know any technical stuff about filmmaking: editing, cinematography, film score etc. So I do not write anything about such things. If there’s anything about filmmaking that I’m familiar with, that is the story, not the screenplay in particular but the story in general.  As a writer, I’m easily drawn by stories and I believe that filmmaking, just as much as writing, is another way of telling stories. That’s why I love films.

I want to share my experiences as a film enthusiast, talk about the movies I love, and spread this love of films to others. I also want to meet fellow cinephiles and talk about films, their thoughts about what’s inside the frame of every movie they love and what’s out.